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Experience Meaningful
Conversations & Connection with
Date Night Treasure Hunts:
Adventure Island

Connect, dive deep together & have a blast at home!

  • Connect together with this guided video date night experience
  • Talk about new things instead of the same daily life, work, kids conversations
  • Sparks a deeper connection & bond with your partner
  • Helps you slow down & be together as a team
  • Easily fit into your busy schedules - only takes 60 minutes (just skip a TV show!)
  • Unlimited replays

In the rush of everyday life, it’s easy for the relationship with your partner to slip to the bottom of the list. 

Between work, parenting, bills, and endless to-dos, finding time for each other can feel impossible. Conversations tend to be only about schedules, current day and the kids.

That spark you once shared starts to flicker, and suddenly, you realize you’re more like roommates than partners.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

I know how overwhelming life can be—especially when you're juggling kids, work, and never-ending responsibilities. You’re not alone in feeling like there’s little room left for romance.

The good news?

The Date Night Treasure Hunts program takes just 60 minutes and can be completed from the comfort of your own home - no babysitter required. It's a fun guided date night experience that will get you two talking and laughing like it was your first date all over again!

Easy to swap a TV show for a night of fun, connection and discovery together instead.

Whether you’ve been married for 3 years or 30, Date Night Treasure Hunts: Adventure Island will help spark meaningful moments and conversations. 


$20.00 deposit

(Fully refunded after you complete the date night and fill out the feedback form)

Access Anywhere

Streaming is available WORLDWIDE via the Show Her Off Dance app which you can download free on iPhone, Android, AppleTV, ROKU, Firestick, Amazon TV, Google Play TV.

You can easily cast it from your phone to your TV as well and also stream from your computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This digital date night is for busy couples who want to connect and have fun together from the comfort of their own home. It is a guided video night experience you can complete from your coach, kitchen table or wherever you two can be alone and focus on each other for just 60 minutes.

What's included?

The Date Night Treasure Hunts: Adventure Island experience is 20 videos that will guide you through a connecting and discovery date night focused on exploring each other and yourselves. It takes most couples about 60 minutes to complete (although if you two end up talking longer that's perfect!)

How do we access the videos?

Upon purchase you will be e-mailed login info to watch the videos online in high definition from your computer, Smart TV, phone or tablet via our 'Show Her Off Dance' app.

You can also stream via ROKU, Firestick or AppleTV, iPhone, Android, or Google Play TV (multiple options).


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Once you complete the date night and fill out the feedback survey you'll get a full refund AND you get to keep the date night.

If for any reason you don't enjoy your Date Night or don't want to complete it simply email [email protected] within 30 days and you will get a 100% refund, no questions asked. 

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